This bibliography does not include extensive references to arbitration in the workplace. |
General | Discrimination and Sexual Harassment | Ombuds | Dispute System Design | Workplace | Employment Disputes | Systems Design | Labour Management | Labour and Employee Relations | ADR and Workplace Journals
| Workplace Sites |
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Bridges, W., Managing Transitions: Making the Most of Change, Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1991. |
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Cornelius, H., The Gentle Revolution: Men and Women at Work-What goes wrong and how to fix it, Simon and Schuster, 1998. |
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Cousins, R.B., and Benitz, L.E., "The Manager as Mediator", Manage, 1996, 47(23), 8-10. |
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CPR Institute for Dispute Resolution, "Fortune 500 Companies Find Benefits in Adopting ADR Policy", May 12, 1997, Press Release, |
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CPR Institute for Dispute Resolution, "CPR Panels", Alternatives to the High Cost of Litigation, 43(4), 1994. |
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Cropanzano, R. (ed), Justice in the Workplace: Approaching Fairness in Human Resource Management, Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum, 1993. |
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Dana, D., Managing Differences: How to Build Better Relationships at Work and Home, (2nd Ed.), MTI Publications, 1997. |
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De Dreu, C.K.W., and Van De Vliert, E. (eds), Using Conflict in Organizations, Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage, 1997. |
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Discrimination and Sexual Harassment |
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Ayeni, V., "Evaluating Ombudsman Programmes", Ombudsman Journal 11, 1993, 67. |
Top |
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Caiden, G.E. (ed), International Handbook of the Ombudsman, Volume I, Evolution and Present Function, Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press, 1983. |
- |
Caiden, G.E. (ed), International Handbook of the Ombudsman, Volume II, Country Surveys, Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press, 1983. |
- |
Clark, K.E., "Improve Employee Relations with a Corporate Ombudsman", Personnel Journal, September 1985, Vol.23, 289. |
Top |
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Danet, B., "Toward a Method to Evaluate the Ombudsman Role", Administration and Society, 10(3), 1978, 335. |
Top |
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Fleischman, A., Colby, T., and Human Rights Research and Education Centre (HRREC), "Ombudsman: Issues and Articles. A Bibliography", International Ombudsman Yearbook 1, 1997, 157-195. (Also published in Ottawa: HRREC, University of Ottawa, 1997) |
- |
Furtado, T., "Why an Organizational Ombudsman? What an Organization's Management Might Want to Know", Dallas: Ombudsman Association, 1996 |
Ombuds |
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- |
Gadlin, H., "Ombudsman: What's in a Name"? Negotiation Journal, 16(1), 2000, 37-48. |
- |
Gadlin, H., and Pino, E.W., "Neutrality: A Guide for the Organizational Ombudsperson", Negotiation Journal, 1997, 17. |
- |
Gadlin, M., and Pino, E.W., Neutrality: What an Organizational Ombudsman Might Want to Know, Dallas: Ombudsman Association, 1997. |
Top |
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Howard, C.L. and Gulluni, M.A. The Ombuds Confidentiality Privilege: Theory and Mechanics, Dallas: Ombudsman Association, 1996. |
- |
Hutchins, R. L. Reprisal, Retaliation, and Redress: What an Organization's Management Might Want to Know, Dallas: Ombudsman Association, 1996. |
Top |
- |
Kandel. W. L. and Frummer, S.L. "The Corporate Ombudsman and Employment Law: Maintaining the Confidentiality of Communications", Employee Relations Law Journal, 19(4), Spring 1994, 587-602. |
- |
Kolb, D.M., "Corporate Ombudsman and Organizational Conflict Resolution", Journal of Conflict Resolution, 31(4), 1987, 673-691. |
Top |
- |
Lupton, D.K., "Resolving Faculty Disputes: The Education Ombudsman Proposal", Innovative Higher Education, 1984, 94-107. |
Ombuds |
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Marshall, M.A., and Reif, L.C., "The Ombudsman: Maladministration and Alternative Dispute Resolution", Alberta Law Review, 34, 1995, 215-239. |
- |
McGrath, A., "The Corporate Ombuds Office: An ADR Tool No Company Should Be Without", Journal of Public Law and Policy, 18(2), 452-486. |
- |
Meltzer, D.L., "The Federal Workplace Ombuds", Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution, 13(2), 1998, 549-609. |
- |
Milton, C.C., "The Ombudsman as a Protector of Fundamental Personal Rights", Ombudsman Journal 7, 1988, 89-94. |
Top |
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Owen, S., "The Expanding Role of the Ombudsman in the Administrative State", University of Toronto Law Journal 40, 1990, 346-362. |
Ombuds |
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Rief, L., Marshall, M., and Ferris, C. (eds), The Ombudsman: Diversity and Development, Edmonton, Alberta: International Ombudsman Institute, 1993. |
- |
Robbins, L.P., and Deane, W.B., "The Corporate Ombuds: A New Approach to Conflict Management", Negotiation Journal, 2(2), 1986, 195-205. |
- |
Rowe, M.P., "An Overview of Client and Internal Ombudsmen", Journal of Health and Human Resources Administration, 15(3), Winter 1993, 259-260. |
- |
Rowe, M.P., "The Corporate Ombudsman: An Overview and Analysis", Negotiation Journal, 3(2), April 1987, 127-40. |
- |
Rowe, M.P., "Dispute Resolution in the Non-Union Environment: An Evolution Toward Integrated Systems for Conflict Management?", in Sandra Gleason (ed) Frontiers in Dispute Resolution in Labor Relations and Human Resources, Michigan: Michigan State University Press, 1997, 79-106. |
- |
Rowe, M.P., "Helping People Help Themselves: An ADR Option for Interpersonal Conflict", Negotiation Journal, 6(3), July 1990, 239-248. |
- |
Rowe, M.P., "Options, Functions and Skills: What an Organizational Ombudsperson Might Want to Know", Negotiation Journal, 11(2), April 1995, 103-114. |
- |
Rowe, M.P., "The Ombudsman's Role in a Dispute Resolution System", Negotiation Journal, 7(4), October 1991, 353-361. |
- |
Rowe, M.P., and Reddy, J., "The Ombudsman as an Ounce of Prevention", Industry, 51(3), March 1987, 42-44. |
- |
Rowe, M.P., Simon, M., and Bensinger, A., "Ombudsman Dilemmas: Confidentiality, Neutrality, Testifying, Record-Keeping", Proceedings of the Annual Conference of SPIDR, 1989, Washington, D.C.: SPIDR, 1990, 282-293. Also reprinted in Journal of Health and Human Resources Administration, Winter 1993, 329-340. |
- |
Rowe, M.P., Ziegenfuss, J.T., Hall, G., Perneski, A., and Lux, M., "Perspectives on Costs and Cost Effectiveness of Ombudsman Programs in Four Fields", Journal of Health and Human Resources Administration, 15(3), Winter 1993, 281-312. |
- |
Rowe, M., Ziegenfuss, J.T., and Muzenrider, R.F., Cases, Methods, Costs, and Impact of Some Corporate Ombudsmen, Middletown, Penn: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1992. |
Ombuds |
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Steiber, C., "57 Varieties: Has the Ombudsman Concept Become Diluted?", Negotiation Journal, 16(1), 2000, 49-57. |
Top |
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Wagner, M.L., "The Organizational Ombudsman as Change Agent", Negotiation Journal, 16(1), 2000, 99-114. |
- |
Weiss, "Comparing Legislative and Executive Ombudsman in the United States", Ombudsman Journal, 7, 1988, 39. |
- |
Wyner, A.J. (ed), Executive Ombudsmen in the United States, Berkeley, CA: University of California, Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies, 1973. |
Top |
- |
Ziegenfuss, J.T. Jr., Rowe, M., and Munzenrider, R.F., "Corporate Ombudsman: Functions, Case Loads, Approaches, and Outcomes", Journal of Health and Human Resources Administration, 15(3), 1993, 261-280. |
General | Discrimination and Sexual Harassment | Ombuds | Dispute System Design | Workplace | Employment Disputes | Systems Design | Labour Management | Labour and Employee Relations | ADR and Workplace Journals
| Workplace Sites |
Dispute System Design |
Top |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
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Blancero, D., and Dyer, L., "Due Process for Non-Union Employees: The Influence of System Characteristics on Fairness Perceptions", Human Resource Management, 1996, 35(3), 343-359. |
- |
Brett, J., Goldberg, S., and Ury, W., "Designing Systems for Resolving Disputes in Organizations", American Psychologist, 1990, 162. |
- |
Brett, J. M., Goldberg, S. B and Ury, W. L., "Managing Conflict: The Strategy of Dispute System Design", Business Week Executive Briefing Service, Vol 6, 1994. |
- |
British Columbia Commission on Resources and Environment, The Provincial Land Use Strategy: Dispute Resolution, Volume 3, Victoria, B.C.: Commission on Resources and Environment, 1995. |
Top |
- |
Cavenagh, T. Business Dispute Resolution: Best Practices, System Design & Case Management, 1999. |
- |
Carnevale, D.G., "Root Dynamics of Alternative Dispute Resolution: An Illustrative Case in the U.S. Postal Service", Public Administration Review, Sept/Oct 1993, Vol.53, No.5. |
- |
Carr, F., "How to Design a Dispute Resolution Program", CPR 12(3), Alternatives to the High Cost of Litigation 36, 1994. |
- |
Carter, S., "The Importance of Party Buy-In in Designing Organizational Conflict Management Systems", Mediation Quarterly, Volume: 17 Number: 1, 1999. |
- |
Cloke, K., "Conflict Resolution Systems Design, the United Nations, and the New World Order", 8 Mediation Quarterly, Summer 1991, No.4, 343. |
- |
Coates, M.L., Furlong, G.T., and Downie, B.M., Conflict Management & Dispute Resolution Systems in Canadian Nonunionized Organizations, Industrial Relations Centre, Queen's University, 1997. |
- |
Conbere, J., "Designing Conflict Management Systems to Resolve Workplace Conflicts", Journal of Alternate Dispute Resolution in Employment, 2(3), 2000, 30-36. |
- |
Conbere, J., "Theory Building for Conflict Management System Design", Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 19(2), 2001, 215-236. |
- |
Costantino, C.A., "Using Interest-Based Techniques to Design Conflict Management Systems", Negotiation Journal, 12(3), July 1996, 207-214. |
- |
Costantino, C.A., and Merchant, C.S., Designing Conflict Management Systems: A Guide to Creating Productive and Healthy Organizations, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1996. |
- |
CPR Institute for Dispute Resolution. CPR Model ADR Procedures and Practices, Employment ADR: A Dispute Resolution Program for Corporate Employers, 1995. |
- |
Cronin-Harris, C., "Mainstreaming: Systematizing Corporate Use of ADR", 59 Albany Law Review, 1995-96, No.3, 847. |
Dispute System Design |
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Darling, C. (ed), Thinking Strategically: Developing Systems to Resolve Conflict, Dispute Resolution Series, Volume 4, Continuing Legal Education Society of B.C. and Dispute Resolution Office, B.C. Ministry of Attorney General, 1998. |
- |
David, J., "Designing a Dispute Resolution System", Commercial Dispute Resolution Journal, 1, 1994, 26. |
Top |
- |
Ewing, D., Justice on the Job, Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1989. |
Top |
- |
Goldberg, S.B., and Brett, J.M., "Getting, Spending - and Losing - Power in Dispute Systems Design", Negotiation Journal, April 1991, Vol.7, No.2, 119. |
Top |
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Holton, S.A. (ed), Mending the Cracks in the Ivory Tower: Strategies for Conflict Management in Higher Education, Bolton, MA: Anker, 1998. |
Top |
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Kolb, D.M., and Silbey, S.S., "Enhancing the Capacity of Organizations to Deal with Disputes", Negotiation Journal 6(4), October 1990, 297-305. |
Top |
- |
Lynch, J., CCRA: Contemporary Conflict Resolution Approaches, Ottawa: Canada Customs and Revenue Agency, 1998. |
- |
Lynch, J., "Labour Management System Design - The RCMP Experience", Canadian Arbitration and Mediation Journal, 1997, 6(1), 7-9. |
Dispute System Design |
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Manring, N.J., "Dispute System Design and the U.S. Forest Service", Negotiation Journal, 1993, 9(1), 13-21. |
- |
Mazadoorian, H.N., "Institutionalizing ADR: Few Risks, Many Benefits: Some Guidelines for System Design", CPR 12(4), Alternatives to the High Cost of Litigation 45. |
- |
Mazadoorian, H.N., "On Implementing ADR: One Company's Experience Putting Theory into Practice", The Complete Lawyer, Spring 1987, 45. |
- |
McCabe, D.M., Corporate Non-Union Complaint Procedures and Systems: A Strategic Human Resources Management Analysis, New York: Praeger Publishers, 1988. |
- |
Murray, J.S., "Dispute System Design, Power, and Prevention", Negotiation Journal, 1990, 4(1), 105-108. |
Top |
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Nelles, A., "Making Mediation Mandatory: A Proposed Framework", Journal on Dispute Resolution 7(2), 1992, 287-313. |
- |
Noble, C., "Dispute Resolution Programs for the Workplace, Lawyers Weekly, March, 2000. |
- |
Noble, C., "Options in Conflict Management System Design", Workplace News, Vol.8, Issue 5, May 2002. |
Top |
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O'Connor, D., "The Design of Self-Supporting Dispute Resolution Programs", Negotiation Journal, April 1992, Vol.8, No.2, 85. |
Top |
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Parker, T., and McHale, J., Designing a Quality-Based Human Rights ADR Program: Issue Paper, Victoria, B.C.,: British Columbia Human Rights Commission, 1998. |
Dispute System Design |
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Rowe, M.P., "Options and Choice for Conflict Resolution in the Workplace", in L. Hall (ed) Negotiation Strategies for Mutual Gain, Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications Inc., 1993, 105-119. |
- |
Rowe, M.P., "Organizational Response to Assessed Risk", in Program Record of the 1988 IEEE Electro 1988 Conference, Risk Assessment and Response, IEEE, 1988. |
- |
Rowe, M.P., "Specifications for an Effective Integrated Complaint System", in R. Shoop et al (eds) Sexual Harassment on Campus, New York: Simon and Schuster, 1997. |
- |
Rowe, M.P., "The Non-Union Complaint System at MIT: An Upward-Feedback Mediation Model", in Alternatives to the High Cost of Litigation 2(4), April 1984, 10-18. Also reprinted in Riskin, Leonard L., and Westbrook, James, Dispute Resolution and Lawyers, St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Co., 1987. |
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Rowe, M.P., "The Post-Tailhook Navy Designs an Integrated Dispute Resolution System", Negotiation Journal, 9(3), July 1993, 203-213. |
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Rowe, M.P., and Baker, M., "Are You Hearing Enough Employee Concerns?", Harvard Business Review, 62(3), May-June 1984, 127-136. |
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Rowe, M., and Bendersky, C., "Workplace Justice, Zero Tolerance and Zero Barriers: Getting People to Come Forward in Conflict Management", in Thomas Kochan and Richard Locke (eds), Negotiations and Change, from the Workplace to Society, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2002. |
Top |
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Slaikeu, K.A., "Conflict Management: Essential Skills for Health Care Managers", Journal of Health Care Material Management, Nov-Dec 1992, 36-48. |
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Slaikeu, K.A., "Designing Dispute Resolution Systems in the Health Care Industry", Negotiation Journal, 5(4), 1989, 395-400. |
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Slaikeu, K.A., and Hasson, R.H., Controlling the Costs of Conflict: How to Design a System for Your Organization, San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 1998. |
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Slaikeu, K.A., and Hasson, R.H., "Not Necessarily Mediation: The Use of Convening Clauses in Dispute System Design", Negotiation Journal, 8(4), 1992, 331-337. |
- |
Society of Professionals in Dispute Resolution (now ACR) and Cornell University, "Guidelines for the Design of Integrated Conflict Management Systems Within Organizations", Washington, D.C., 2001/02, |
- |
Slate, W.K., and Friedman, G.H., "Ten Things Not To Do When Designing an Employment ADR System", HR Advisor, January/February 1997, Vol.2, No.4. |
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Stitt, A.J., Alternative Dispute Resolution for Organizations: How to Design a System for Effective Conflict Resolution, Toronto: John Wiley & Sons Canada Limited, 1998. |
Dispute System Design |
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Ury, W.L., Brett, J.M., and Goldberg, S.B., Getting Disputes Resolved: Designing Systems to Cut the Costs of Conflict, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1988. |
Top |
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Zinsser, J.W., "Employment Dispute Resolution Systems: Experience Grows But Some Questions Persist", Negotiation Journal, 1996, 151. |
Articles on under Workplace category |
-B- |
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Bartles, T., "City of Tucson Employee Mediation Program." |
-C- |
- |
Cohen, J., "The ADA Mediation Guidelines". |
- |
Colsky, A., "Thoughts on the Limitations of Grievance Procedures in the Private Sector". |
-D- |
- |
Dana, D., "What's a Conflict?" |
-F- |
- |
Ford, J., "Confidentiality Issues in Workplace Mediation: What Every HR Manager
Should Know". |
- |
Ford, J., "Cross Cultural Conflict Resolution in Teams". |
- |
Ford, J., "Dealing with Difficult Behaviour". |
-H- |
- |
Hamilton, J., & Seaman, E., "Turning Around Polarized Mindsets in Workplace Mediations". |
- |
Henderson, E.B., "An Expanded Role for Mediation in Conflict Resolution". |
- |
Hicks, T., "Mediation in Sexual Harassment Cases". |
- |
Hicks, T., "Seven Steps for Effective Problem Solving in the Workplace". |
- |
Hicks, T., "What Is Mediation And How Does It Fit Into The Workplace"? |
- |
Hicks, T., "Steps for Setting Up an Effective Conflict Management System". |
-J- |
- |
Janis, M., "In the Eye of the Beholder: Using Perceptual Errors to Resolve Employment Disputes". |
-K- |
- |
Kichaven, J., "Top 10 Reasons Why Psychiatric Disability Discrimination Claims are so Hard to Mediate". |
-M- |
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McClure, L., "Violence and Harassment In The Workplace: The 10 Most Common Mistakes Companies Make". |
- |
Miller, D., "A Just Alternative or Just an Alternative? Mediation and the Americans with Disabilities Act". |
- |
Muniz, J., "When You Can't Get Through to Them: Cultural Diversity in Mediation". |
-N- |
- |
Noble, C., "Conflict Management Through Coaching". |
- |
Noble, C., "Conflict Coaching - A Preventative Form of Dispute Resolution". |
-S- |
- |
Secretary of the Treasury, U.S., "Resolving Workplace Disputes". |
- |
Society of Professionals in Dispute Resolution - Track Two (now ACR), "Guidelines for Voluntary Mediation Programs Instituted by Agencies Charged with Enforcing Workplace Rights". |
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Sorensen, M. & Thomas M.Bartels, T.M., "Reflections on a Group Intervention: City of Tucson Employee Mediation Program". |
General | Discrimination and Sexual Harassment | Ombuds | Dispute System Design | Workplace | Employment Disputes | Systems Design | Labour Management | Labour and Employee Relations | ADR and Workplace Journals
| Workplace Sites |
Top |
Articles on under Employment Disputes category |
-A- |
- |
Adler, S., "Resolution of Reasonable Accommodation Disputes". |
- |
Adler, S., "Strategies for a Successful Employment Mediation". |
- |
Andres, D., and Creps, C., "The Interactive ADA Accommodation Process". |
-C- |
- |
Cabot, S., "Settling Employment Disputes". |
- |
Cheston, S., "Advances in ADR with the Air Force". |
-F- |
- |
Ford, J., "Workplace Conflict: An Inevitable Fact of Life". |
-K- |
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Krivis, J., "Dealing With A Competitive Approach In Mediation". |
-R- |
- |
Roberts, M.J., " Mediation: an Executive's Guide to Managing Conflict". |
- |
Roberts, M.J., " Resolving Employment Disputes Through Mediation". |
- |
Rosenthal, R.J., "Mediation as an Affirmative Business Strategy." |
Top |
Articles on under Systems Design category |
-D- |
- |
Delaney, B., "Building an Internal System for Resolving Disputes". |
- |
Department of Veterans Affairs, "Sample Mediation Programs: Veterans Integrated
Service Network". |
-F- |
- |
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, U.S., "Preventative Mediation: Examples From the Labour Management Arena". |
- |
Federal Alternative Dispute Resolution Council, "Evaluating ADR Programs (2001)". |
- |
Ford, J., "The Training of Conflict Resolution Skills in the Workplace". |
- |
Furlong, G.T., "Dispute Resolution: Beyond the Open Door in Large Canadian Companies" |
-L- |
- |
Lynch, J., "Does Your Organization Need a System"? |
- |
Lynch, J., "New Conflict Management Systems Section". |
-N- |
- |
Noble, C., "Options in Conflict Management System Design". |
-S- |
- |
Spidr's ADR in the Workplace, Track 1 Committee, "Guidelines For The Design Of Integrated Conflict Management Systems Within Organizations". |
Top |
Articles on under Labour Management category |
- |
Nagel, S., "Super-Optimizing for ADR Disputes". |
Articles on under Labour and Employee Relations category |
- |
Gunn, R., "What is ADR in a Work Setting?". |
- |
Adler, Peter S., (Originally from:, "The Making of a Mediator: Sun Tzu and the Art of War". |
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Liu, C., "How To Investigate Sexual Harassment". |
Another source of ongoing articles about workplace dispute resolution is "Workplace News" published by the Association for Conflict Resolution, This publication is available to members of the workplace section of ACR. |
Other Recommended ADR and Workplace Journals (from ACR): |
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The Journal of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Employment, published quarterly by CCH, Chicago, Illinois: |
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Dispute Resolution Magazine, published quarterly by the American Bar Association Section on Dispute Resolution, Chicago, Illinois: |
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The Employee Advocate, published quarterly by the National Employment Lawyers Association, San Francisco, California: |
- |
Dispute Resolution Journal, published quarterly by the American Arbitration Association, New York, New York: |
- |
Negotiation Journal, 1999 and onwards: |
- |
Social Science Research Network: (some articles relate to dispute resolution in the workplace). |
Top |
Links to other Workplace Sites: |
- | (An excellent source to reference Mediation Quarterly, now called Conflict Resolution Quarterly) |
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International Labour Organization - |
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End Workplace Violence - |
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The Foundation for the Study of Work Trauma - |
General | Discrimination and Sexual Harassment | Ombuds | Dispute System Design | Workplace | Employment Disputes | Systems Design | Labour Management | Labour and Employee Relations | ADR and Workplace Journals
| Workplace Sites |
Top |
This bibliography was compiled (May, 2002) by David Klegerman ( and Cinnie Noble ( It may be disseminated without permission, provided written acknowledgement to the above persons is given. |